claire russell
Claire has an established picture framing business based in Stone, Gloucestershire where she specialises in frame restoration and gilded frames. Claire uses her extensive knowledge of gilding and an abundance of glass off cuts to create her Verre Églomisé art pieces. 

Drawing has always been a part of Claire's everyday life growing up, and as a young teen, she won several art competitions as well as going on to complete GCSE and A Level Art, followed by Art and Design Foundation Diploma and a Degree in Design.

Growing up in rural Gloucestershire, Claire has a deep love of everything nature, fluid forms and the unusual, which constantly provide inspirational subjects to capture in gold leaf. 

Claire became a full member of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers in 2018, the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington DC in 2020 and Miniature Art Society of Florida in 2017. Claire regularly exhibits in the USA and UK in local art festivals and exhibitions including, the RWA (Bristol), Bath Society of Artists and Broadway Arts Festival (Worcestershire).

Buckingham Palace 2024

In May 2024, Claire and Ray Winder, President of the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers had the honour of attending His Majesty King Charles III Garden Party for the Creative industries, in the beautiful grounds of Buckingham Palace. 

Buckingham Palace 2018

Buckingham palace

In May 2018, Claire and four Council members from the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and  Gravers had the honour of attending the 70th Birthday of HRH The Prince of Wales in the beautiful grounds of Buckingham Palace. 

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